Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari

  • Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari

    Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari | दिल को छू लेने वाली गुलज़ार शायरी

    इस लेख में, हम दिल को छू लेने वाली गुलज़ार शायरी की सुंदरता का पता लगाएंगे। यह न केवल पाठकों के लिए भावनात्मक अनुनाद ला सकता है, बल्कि हर किसी को जीवन की हर अंतर्दृष्टि को समझने और उनके आंतरिक भ्रम और भ्रम को हल करने में भी मदद कर सकता है।

    In this article, we will explore the beauty of Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari. It not only allows us to cleanse our souls, but also helps everyone think about the wisdom of life, resolve inner confusion and confusion, and bravely face the challenges and beauty in life.

    Table of contents
    What is Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari?
    Themes of Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari
    Art Style of Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari
    Example of Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari

    What is Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari?


    Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari is a touching poem written by Gulzar. It uses unique and wonderful expressions to give us wisdom for life and the power to heal.

    Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari


    Themes of Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari


    Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari contains a rich variety of topics. For example, love, an eternal theme closely surrounding people's lives, blooms in his poems, making us feel the beauty of love and find the true meaning of love. Another example is the meaning and value of life, which is also a topic he often discusses, causing people to think. There is also the beauty and mystery of nature, evoking people's awe of nature.


    Art Style of Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari


    Gulzar makes the poems more poetic and imaginative through rich imagery and metaphors, allowing readers to present vivid pictures in their minds, making the poems more colorful.

    Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari


    Example of Heart Touching Gulzar Shayari

    Here you can find some of Gulzar's classic heart-touching shayari.

    मोहब्बत थी तो,
    चाँद था,
    उतर गई तो,
    दाग भी दिखने लगे.

    If there was love,
    there was the moon,
    Once she got down,
    Stains also started appearing.

    न हक़ दो इतना की,
    तकलीफ हो तुम्हे,
    न वक्त दो इतना की,
    गुरुर हो हमें.

    Don't give me the right to this much,
    you are in pain,
    Don't give me so much time,
    Let us be proud.

    मशहूर होने का शौक,
    किसे है जनाब,
    हमें तो हमारे ही,
    पहचान ले तो,
    हम खुश हो जाते है.

    Desire to be famous,
    Who is it sir?
    We are our own,
    If you recognize it,
    We become happy.

    धीरे-धीरे ज़रा दम लेना
    प्यार से जो मिले गम लेना
    दिल पे ज़रा वो कम लेना

    Take a breath slowly,
    take whatever sorrow you get from love,
    take it to heart a little less.

    खून निकले तो ज़ख्म लगती है
    वरना हर चोट नज़्म लगती है.

    If there is bleeding, it is a wound.
    Otherwise every hurt seems like a poem.

    इतना लंबा कश लो यारो,
    दम निकल जाए
    जिंदगी सुलगाओ यारों,
    गम निकल जाए

    Take such a long puff, friend!
    Run out of breath.
    Live your life, friends!
    Let the sorrow go away.

    वक्त सालों की धुंध से
    निकल जायेगा
    तेरा चेहरा नज़र से
    पिघल जायेगा

    Time through the mist of years
    will pass
    from your face
    will melt

    जीना भूले थे कहां याद नहीं!
    तुमको पाया है जहाँ
    सांस फिर आई वहीं

    Forgot to live, don't remember where!
    Found you where,
    the breath came again.